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Count On Community: The Obscure Art of Justin Bartlett (VBERKVLT)

We compile our favorite VBERKVLT works in support of the artist's ongoing battle.

Artwork by VBERKVLT

From Relapse Records skateboards to wine bottles and a variety of other music-based projects, the art of Justin Barlett, a.k.a. VBERKVLT, has made the rounds across the globe, and rightfully so. Justin's bleak black and white style is a perfect fit for all things grim and frightful, striking audiences with sole simplicity and without a need to employ vivid gore. There's a reason covers like the one he's done for Dragged Into Sunlight's Hatred For Mankind (2011) remain prominent a decade after their inception.

Today's post is more than a tribute to Justin's talents, but one of struggle as the artist was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer. Cancer of any kind and stage is a huge reason for worry, but you can count on community to back their own as we've seen a widespread amount of support for the VBERKVLT. In just about a month, Justin's GoFundMe has raised a little over $43,000 to help cover the medical expenses, which speaks volumes of the power of community.

As mentioned prior, VBERKLVT's work is everywhere and there's no shortage of greats to choose from. Despite our endless options, we pulled together some of our favorites for you today in support of a brother who's will to thrive exceeds the roadblocks placed before him. Scroll down through the selected works below and head on over HERE to contribute to Justin's ongoing GoFundMe, the likes of which is about $17,000 away from the goal (at the time of posting).

VBERKVLT for Revolver Magazine's 'Explorers Issue' (2018)
VBERKVLT for Southern Lord's "The Power Of The Riff Festival" (2010)
VBERKVLT for Kvlt Planet's "Alien Day" (2019)
VBERKVLT for Dragged Into Sunlight's 'Hatred For Mankind' (2011)
VBERKVLT for The Decibel Magazine Tour (2012)
VBERKVLT's 'Goat II' (2019)

Stay up to date with VBERKVLT on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and his official site.

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