A step up in evil.

There's no shortage of brutal black metal in 2019, and take in mind we're only two months in. Add DRASTUS' La Croix de Sang to that list and you'll be good to go for this weekend's releases. The effort will be releasing via Norma Evangelium Diaboli on March 1st but you can stream it in full at the link below.
A decade in the making, La Croix de Sang is everything that fans of cold, violence music have come to expect from their listening choices. Intricate drumming and hellish atmospheres comprise this seven-track composition of black metal torment. If you enjoy Dead Congregation, Mayhem, or Deathspell Omega, you best dive in.
Tracklisting for La Croix de Sang:
1. Nihil Sine Polum
2. Ashura
3. Crawling Fire
4. The Crown of Death
5. Hermetic Silence
6. Occisor
7. Constrictor Torrents
Stream the devastating La Croix de Sang in full over on Bandcamp.