"Dark Superstition" is that much bigger on a live stage.

Text, Photographs by Raymond Camacho (@punk_monk_ray) at
1720 in Los Angeles on June 7, 2024:
Fresh off the heels of a new album release, death metal standouts Gatecreeper have just concluded a brief celebratory run that brought its massive scale and thunderous instrumentation to a variety of stages. Joining the affair was a strong array including the likes of Undeath, Jarhead Fertilizer, Final Gasp, and for the LA show at 1720, Upon Stone, rounding out a stellar night of melodic and blood-curling death metal, offset by the throwback goth rock of Final Gasp. In short, you couldn't find a better bill that night.
Gatecreeper continue to scale the death metal arena through respected consistency and grit, and their live performance is among their strongest features. Selections from across Deserted (2019), Sonoran Depravation (2016), and of course, the newly released Dark Superstition, hit home for the many in attendance.

Crowd surfing, push pitting, and screaming were constant throughout as frontman Chase Mason commanded center stage. It was a sweaty occasion, a sure sign of physicality and madness as a result of the towering Caught In The Treads and massive track Flamethrower among others. There was plenty to indulge in throughout the career spanning set, signaling a great promise and continued success for the Arizona unit. The engagement was there, the musicianship was there, and above all else, the heart was there and strongly felt from the opening turbulence of Sweltering Madness.
Head below for a photo gallery of the show and stream/order Dark Superstition, available now via Nuclear Blast Records.
Gatecreeper Photo Gallery