A maelstrom of sound washed over a sold-out Belasco crowd keen for "Rat Wars" (2023) in the flesh.

Text, Photos by Ekaterina Gorbacheva (@ekaterinagorbacheva.art) at
The Belasco in Los Angeles on April 5, 2024:
Genre boundaries and any limiting confines that pigeonhole an artist foreign to LA's HEALTH — a group defining the significance of broadening sonic expectations time and time again. Last year's release of Rat Wars (via Loma Vista Recordings) was a remarkable addition to close a strong 2023, further cementing the trio as a prominent act in the metal, noise, and industrial arenas to name a few. To breathe new life into the body of work, HEALTH took Rat Wars (and more) on the road to stages across North America, shoving attendees through a timeline of crushing and infectious hymns to move to. We were among those present at The Belasco for the LA tour stop.
A Cruel Angel's Thesis from the revolutionary Neon Genesis Evangelion set a joyous tone early on, just prior to what can be characterized as an eclectic eruption that began with IDENTITY. From here on out, it was HEAVY. The industrial leaning opener set off an enthusiastic crowd that clamored for bass and rhythmic power.
Frontman Jake Duzsik, John Famiglietti, and drummer Benny Miller were at their prime, excelling amongst the shadows and vibrant strobe lights that flickered overhead while a career-spanning set roared upon us all. Haunting yet sexy, HEALTH's live set transitioned from Vol.4 :: Slaves of Fear (2019) to DISCO4 :: Part II (2022) and Rat Wars and more, including their glistening cover of Deftones classic, Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away).

HEALTH is wealth and the trio's grand sold-out showing delivered big on heart-stopping soundscapes led by the year-end contending Rat Wars, leaving all in attendance with a fruitful experience to remember. The album, much like its live rendition, is a multi-faceted, dynamic being that unfolds with layer upon layer before your very eyes (and ears). Beyond that, HEALTH have reached a high point in a trajectory celebrated by many for its ability to astound and serve as a coping mechanism for the madness that is life.
Though the North American Tour has since concluded, you can experience Rat Wars now and lose yourself to a photo gallery of the night's memorable performance below.
HEALTH Photo Gallery