Love month enticed audiences with a varied selection of standouts.

The first of March is here and so are we with yet another collection of audiovisual endeavors. Like January's column, the album covers featured here are diverse in the music they sport, ranging from electronica to blackened death metal and French doom among others.
February stood tall with strong entries to our monthly cover assortment. Caelan Stokkermans opens things up with a rather ominous depiction for THE DARK ALAMORTÉ's Lunacrium Thepsis, pairing well with the band's dark atmospheres. Artem Grigoryev came together with SUFFERING HOUR and brought the symbolic significance of the 'Lightbringer' to life in his signature black and white romanticist style. Timothy J. Engle proved that art extends beyond that that of a brush and canvas, capturing a somber black and white portrait to represent SVDESTADA's post-hardcore. Dehn Sora and Mariusz Lewandowski return to the feature, as expected, with exquisite covers for FORHIST's self-titled debut and HUMANITY'S LAST BREATH's Välde respectfully. Don't even let us get into the maelstrom that Luis Toledo meticulously layered within the constructs of a head shape. Well, you know the drill. Scroll down, click on those links, and enjoy!
Here are the best album covers of February 2021:
THE DARK ALAMORTÉ - Lunacrium Thepsis (Caelan Stokkermans) | Listen

CRISTIAN VOGEL – The Rebirth Of Wonky (Luis Toledo/La Prisa Mata™) | Listen

SWAMPBEAST - Seven Evils Spawned Of Seven Heads (Rodrigo Salvatierra) | Listen

CARCOLH - The Life And Works Of Death (J.R. Erèbe) | Listen

BLACK SHEEP WALL - Songs For The Enamel Queen (Jeff Rogers) | Listen

HUMANITY'S LAST BREATH - Välde (Mariusz Lewandowski) | Listen

MOONSPELL - Hermitage (Arthur Berzinsh) | Listen

SVDESTADA - Azabache (Timothy J. Engle) | Listen

FORHIST - Self-Titled (Dehn Sora) | Listen

SUFFERING HOUR - The Cyclic Reckoning (Artem Grigoryev) | Listen

As always, thank you for supporting artists responsible for enriching our lives with their creativity. We remain sane because of it. Stay tuned to Heaviest of Art on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for your art and music needs throughout the day.