A rather eclectic offering of visual stimulants.

This year's second iteration of our monthly metal album covers column is one that brings together genre greats with some exciting new faces to our beloved genre. We see the prowess of Whitehead, Girardi, and van Haasteren come together with the wondrous work of Sonia Merah, Viktoria Polikarpova (or Visionis Phosphorescent), and Izabela Grabda among others who aren't your usual metal album cover suspects. The beauty of it all is that some of these new faces aren't metal-adjacent artists so to speak, yet the work found itself representing a rather heavy undertaking. Grabda's work on BLAZE OF PERDITION's The Harrowing of Hearts is a striking delivery that embodies the power present throughout while Dhomth's illustration for CULT OF FIRE's Moksha is a vibrantly apt take for a black metal outing harnessing from Hindu values. Let this be a sign that there's a world of artists out there waiting to be tapped into for their talents, whether it be dark art or not.
Here are the best metal album covers of February 2020:
TODAY IS THE DAY - No Good To Anyone (Jef Whitehead) | Listen

INSECT ARK - Vanishing (Sonia Merah) | Listen

KVERLETAK - Splid (Marald van Haasteren) | Listen

CULT OF FIRE - Nirvana (Visionis Phosphorescent) | Listen

XENOBIOTIC - Mordrake (Mariusz Lewandowski) | Listen

ICON OF PHOBOS/KATHEKSIS - Primal Death Rites (Paolo Girardi) | Listen

CULT OF FIRE - Moksha (Dhomth) | Listen

BLAZE OF PERDITION - The Harrowing of Hearts (Izabela Grabda) | Listen

ÆVANGELIST - Nightmarecatcher (Jef Whitehead) | Listen

THE TRUE WERWOLF - Devil Crisis (HanZo) | Listen

As always, thank you for supporting bands and the artists responsible for enriching our lives with their creativity. Let's continue to buy merch, records, and more importantly, introduce one another to killer tracks.