Exquisite variety from across the audiovisual spectrum of metal.

The beauty that results from exploring outside the bounds of metal art is profound in more ways than one. Rich color palettes, tranquil imagery, architectural layering, and more are all qualities that defy the bloody norm, as evident in this month's selection of album covers. Quite frankly, these qualities are what makes July such a great month, a month that welcomed many new faces to the spotlight.
From Noah Cutter Meihoff's blood-curling, multi-dimensional piece for ASEITAS to the serene solace of Caelan Stokkermans' cover for THE ACACIA STRAIN, July brought the heat to an otherwise great year of album covers to date. Bielak's breathtaking prowess found itself at the peak of it all with IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT's Alphaville while Jeremy Hush harnessed his friendship with VALKYRIE for an illustration that incorporates behind the scenes details uncovered in our Behind the Cover feature on the release. These are but a few from the great selection we compiled for you all. We invite you to scroll and gaze slowly.
Here are the best metal album covers of July 2020:
IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT - Alphaville (Zbigniew M. Bielak) | Listen

ASEITAS - False Peace (Noah Cutter Meihoff) | Listen

SNAKEBLADE - The Kingdom (Elizabeth Holmes) | Listen

BROADSIDE - Into The Raging Sea (Carol Aldrighi) | Listen

VALKYRIE - Fear (Jeremy Hush) | Listen

A.A. Williams - Forever Blue (Kieran Wakeman) | Listen

THE ACACIA STRAIN - Slow Decay (Caelan Stokkermans) | Listen

DROUTH - Excerpts From A Dread Liturgy (Matt Stikker) | Listen

FORDOMTH - Is, Qui Mortem Audit (Khaos Diktator Design) | Listen

HAVUKRUUNU - Uinuos Syömein Sota (Heidi Kosenius) | Listen

As always, thank you for supporting bands and the artists responsible for enriching our lives with their creativity. We remain sane because of it.